2 days in a row of not a good post...I promise, I will be a good little blogger girl and post something decent tomorrow.....
For today though....we got our new computer, and although we do have files to transfer off of our old one....It is amazing to have a silent computer that doesn't sound like a lawnmower.....
Other then that it was also my only day to get my downtown stuff done...and I also visited with my friend Brenda for a while, since it will be my last weekday in a long time with no daycare kids...I had three calls today from moms looking for daycare.....I cleaned my house.
Jeremy was in a really good mood today...but spent half of his time visiting aunty Brenda and Mercy Buckets by trying to bite their feet?!? I will be glad when he quits trying out his new teeth on everything....including me when I am nursing. He will be starting weaning this week....I am NOT a chew toy...
He turns one on Thursday.....:(