He looks pretty cute!
Now that he is two, we are having a new challenge with him....
at home he is sweet, giving hugs and kisses,
saying please and thank you....(all on his own without reminders)
cleans up his own toys, and most of the time gos to bed very well without tears ect...
Something happens to my kind sweet little boy the second he gets into a group of OTHER little 2 and 3 year olds...
and it isn't nice.
Sunday we brought him to kids craze at our church...
which is the start of Sunday school
They have a very small teaching time, or story,
free play time, snack time, and craft time.
We got in there, and my normally angelic son
started yelling NO at the top of his lungs
wouldn't sit, hit other kids for no reason
and in the end had a full out temper tantrum....
It was so bad, that I had to get Kendal and go home from church early...
We figured maybe he wasn't feeling well...he did sleep for 7 hours straight when we got home...
Fast forward to today....
I brought him to library time at the library..
same sort of deal...other kids, games, story and singing....
Same reaction.
What gives? We get home, he says sorry mommy
and is all sugar and spice....
Has anyone else ever had this happen?
My girls never did this....
How did you handle it??