Tuesday, December 8, 2009

....And We're Back!

Thanks to my MIL....They were missing their daily dose of toddler pictures....
and my guess is that my SIL was missing it as well...LOL!
I also missed all my blogging buddies, 
and although glad for the break,
I will also be looking forward to connecting again...

So...What can I say about the last month or so...
I am not really busy-at least not with anything super exciting...
although things are picking up a bit with the coming of Christmas..

We have suffered various bouts of illness and other maladies since Sept...
I had two different flues, which the babies were kind enough to share with me, 
One of which put me in the hospital...
and then my son into pediatrics.
(Picture me driving into the Emergancy parking lot
only to have them BOTH throw up at the exact same time...
and then picture us sitting in Emergancy for SIX hours 
with same puking babies...)

After that  two bladder infections...
and unfortunately a miscarriage...
We hadn't been planning on any more babies, 
So the whole idea of being pregnant took some time to adjust to, 
and just when we started to get excited,
baby was gone....
I was pretty upset about it, and though I have accepted the loss now,
I think I will never really forget....
Those of you who have experienced such a loss
I am sure understand.....

More recently I had to get another tooth pulled...
Which means that I now need partials...
I am excited to be getting some new teeth...
but NOT excited that my butcher of a dentist
agrivated my already tender TMJ...
and since then I have gone through some bad pain...
but THANK GOD for a wonderful chiropractor 
who is doing a wonderful job of giving me some relief
before I go back to the dentist...(a new one that is..)

Kendal is still working two jobs 
and I love him for all his hard work..
It is how we are keeping me at home with the kids...

Jeremy is getting so big...
He is almost to his third birthday...
SOOOO hard to believe...
I miss my little baby so much,
but he is so much fun now too.
We are potty training...and it is going really well...
So far only two accidents.. 

Gracie is also getting big, 
and is now walking.
 This has caused several accidents
many bruises, and also a bleeding lip
that sent mommy into a panic with all the blood...

She is an independent little monkey, 
(No idea where she gets that...)
and wants to do EVERYTHING that big brother does...
(which often causes fights...)

But they really love each other,
and quite often you will find them cuddling
watching tv, or giving each other a hug for no reason...

 We are getting ready for Christmas now..
and are looking forward to family from BC arriving...

We are very excited for the New year coming..
and the many good things God has planned for our family...
There are going to be some changes for us, 
and I think they will be good..

Glad to be back! Please come and visit us and leave comments...
and a Great Christmas Season to everyone!