Aunty videos Jeremy
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I am Still Here....
Just a quick update to let everyone know how I am doing for those of you who have wondered why I dropped off the earth....LOL!
Right now I am in the middle of my eighth week, and also in the middle of raging morning (make that ALL DAY sickness.....) which is why I have not been on the computer....(Looking at the screen has been making me ill.....) but then so has every thing else. Moving...smelling, name it. However....I have made aquaintance with a "wonder Drug" called Diclectin and this is my second day on it, and I am feeling pretty nausea to speak of!! I can live with this.
Otherwise...No cramping so far this time...which is a good thing. Last pregnancy was a rough one, and I had bad cramping, and premature labor almost all the way through. I ended up in the hospital at 28 weeks with premature labor and bleeding, and had to stay in for a week, so I am glad to not be experiencing that this time. Hopefully that will go much better.
I am tired. Very Very tired. I could sleep 24 hours a day if I was able.....
Otherwise...Doing good! Hopefully, I will be able to keep up with the posts now that the nausea has eased.....
Hope everyone is having a good week so far!
Right now I am in the middle of my eighth week, and also in the middle of raging morning (make that ALL DAY sickness.....) which is why I have not been on the computer....(Looking at the screen has been making me ill.....) but then so has every thing else. Moving...smelling, name it. However....I have made aquaintance with a "wonder Drug" called Diclectin and this is my second day on it, and I am feeling pretty nausea to speak of!! I can live with this.
Otherwise...No cramping so far this time...which is a good thing. Last pregnancy was a rough one, and I had bad cramping, and premature labor almost all the way through. I ended up in the hospital at 28 weeks with premature labor and bleeding, and had to stay in for a week, so I am glad to not be experiencing that this time. Hopefully that will go much better.
I am tired. Very Very tired. I could sleep 24 hours a day if I was able.....
Otherwise...Doing good! Hopefully, I will be able to keep up with the posts now that the nausea has eased.....
Hope everyone is having a good week so far!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
By the end of your second month of pregnancy, your baby is about the size of a pinto bean and is approximately 14 to 20 mm long. If this is your first pregnancy, you still probably will not be showing yet. However, if this is not your first pregnancy you might be able to tell that you are pregnant. You will notice a slight change in how your clothes fit and your doctor can tell that your uterus is larger than normal. Before you were pregnant, your uterus was about the size of your fist. However, by 6 weeks of pregnancy, your uterus has grown to the size of a grapefruit!
Your baby is developing at an amazing rate during these early weeks. Eyelid folds and ears are forming. Your baby's eyes are still very wide apart on the sides of her head, but will eventually center themselves out. The tip of the nose is actually present at this time as well. On ultrasound you can see that the aortic and pulmonary valves of the heart are present. The tubes that lead from the throat to lungs are branching and your baby's torso is getting longer and beginning to straighten out. Just a few weeks ago, your baby's arms were tiny buds. Now the elbows are actually present and the arms and legs extend forward and have grown longer. Fingers and toes are becoming visible also.
One of the symptoms that you might feel around this time of your pregnancy is cramping or pain in your lower abdomen or side as your uterus grows. Some pregnant women feel tightening or contractions of the uterus. Do not get alarmed if you do not feel this though. If tightening of the uterus or contractions are accompanied by bleeding, you should contact your healthcare provider immediately. Many pregnant women also experience an occasional pain that begins in their buttocks and radiates down their back or legs. This is known as sciatic nerve pain and can be extremely painful at times. More than likely the pain is caused by the pressure on the nerve and it is best to lie on the opposite side to relieve the pressure.

The tiny person is protected by the amnionic sac, filled with fluid. Inside, the child swims and moves gracefully. The arms and legs have lengthened, and fingers can be seen. The toes will develop in the next few days.
The umbilical cord contains 3 blood vessels which link your baby's system to yours. The big one supplies your baby with blood which is rich in oxygen. The two smaller blood vessels return blood to the placenta. This blood is low in oxygen, and full of waist materials. At birth, umbilical cord can be two to four feet long.

One of the symptoms that you might feel around this time of your pregnancy is cramping or pain in your lower abdomen or side as your uterus grows. Some pregnant women feel tightening or contractions of the uterus. Do not get alarmed if you do not feel this though. If tightening of the uterus or contractions are accompanied by bleeding, you should contact your healthcare provider immediately. Many pregnant women also experience an occasional pain that begins in their buttocks and radiates down their back or legs. This is known as sciatic nerve pain and can be extremely painful at times. More than likely the pain is caused by the pressure on the nerve and it is best to lie on the opposite side to relieve the pressure.

The tiny person is protected by the amnionic sac, filled with fluid. Inside, the child swims and moves gracefully. The arms and legs have lengthened, and fingers can be seen. The toes will develop in the next few days.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
This weeks Heads or Tails was Heads....Places in your House....
Well...This isn't exactly a PLACE....but since Barb had a guitar on her blog entry...
I couldn't resist adding mine. It has a big place in my heart and house....
This is my Takamini special edition Tibetan Alm Guitar. I purchased it two years ago (with a lot of help from friends) after we were broken into and all they took was my Takamini guitar and my keyboard....
It has actually been a blessing in disguise as I love this guitar, and find it much easier to play....
For more Heads or Tails...Click Here!
Krystal's Coming Home!
Last week on Monday...I get this phone call....Krystal in tears...
"Mom, I want to come home...I hate it here...."
Me: "Is there a problem? Do you still like your job?"
Krystal: yes....
Me: Is everything ok with the boy friend?
Krystal: yes....
Me...Confused....: Why do you want to come home....are you sure this isn't just hormonal? (remember she is expecting....)
Krystal: I just don't like it here.... I want my family, I am pregnant....I am having another baby...( REALLY?????)
Crux of the conversation ended with me telling Krystal to think on it a couple of weeks before impulsively moving back...I don't want her to make a decision based on hormones....
Fast forward to Thursday...two days later.
Krystal: I will be home next Thursday.....
So much for giving it a couple of weeks....
All the same, I am glad that she is coming home. It was probable that I wouldn't have been able to be in Winnipeg for the birth of her baby, (to close to my own due date.)
and we are excited to have Talon Balon around again, and of course Krystal too....
My impulsive daughter......
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Friday, March 7, 2008
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Thursday 13!
13 Places I am finding DOG HAIR IN MY HOUSE....
Gizmo my friend....
I love you...
I even love you more then your counterpart...
The peeing chihuahua....
And I realize that your hair is a source of pride and joy for you...
Almost as much as that PIT BULL attitude you pack around..
When your trying to prove your the MAN....
Almost as much as that voice box....
that I have been tempted to remove
several times recently for waking up my son...
Almost as much as that Devilish set of teeth you sport
in the front of your face...making you look
like you might be mean.
Yes...I did say SHEDDING....for those concerned with my dirty filter...
I want to stop finding big nasty clumps of your hair EVERYWHERE...
On my clean dishes...
All over the kids I babysit...they look like Shelties....
I feel like I should shave them before they go home...
On my table, my blankets
In the closet?
On baby's tray...(DISCUSTING)
In the tub????? How did it get there...
On babies toys...(ALSO DISCUSTING)
and his couch...the one he sleeps on for naps.
On my DINNER PLATE!!! UGH.....
Talk about hair balls...
I don't want to find them all over my carpet....or my clothes
I don't want to find them up my nose..
I don't want to find them here or there
I don't want to find them ANYWHERE!
I can not.. WILL NOT
wait till spring...
Consider yourself for warned.....
You are getting a shave.
Because either your hair gos....
or you do my friend........
For more Thursday Thirteens... click here...
I love you...
I even love you more then your counterpart...
The peeing chihuahua....
And I realize that your hair is a source of pride and joy for you...
Almost as much as that PIT BULL attitude you pack around..
When your trying to prove your the MAN....
Almost as much as that voice box....
that I have been tempted to remove
several times recently for waking up my son...
Almost as much as that Devilish set of teeth you sport
in the front of your face...making you look
like you might be mean.
Yes...I did say SHEDDING....for those concerned with my dirty filter...
I want to stop finding big nasty clumps of your hair EVERYWHERE...
On my clean dishes...
All over the kids I babysit...they look like Shelties....
I feel like I should shave them before they go home...
On my table, my blankets
In the closet?
On baby's tray...(DISCUSTING)
In the tub????? How did it get there...
On babies toys...(ALSO DISCUSTING)
and his couch...the one he sleeps on for naps.
On my DINNER PLATE!!! UGH.....
Talk about hair balls...
I don't want to find them all over my carpet....or my clothes
I don't want to find them up my nose..
I don't want to find them here or there
I don't want to find them ANYWHERE!
I can not.. WILL NOT
wait till spring...
Consider yourself for warned.....
You are getting a shave.
Because either your hair gos....
or you do my friend........
For more Thursday Thirteens... click here...
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Check this out....
While I was blog surfing today through sites on Wordless Wednesday, I found a very inspiring young lady with a special needs Toddler.... She has more faith then anyone I know.... If you have should seriously go and check out her site... she could probably use the support too. I cried all the way through her letter to her little girl. Here is the link.
I am sick. It finally caught up with me after weeks and weeks of being around sick people.....Jeremy has been sick for two weeks now with ear infections and some nasty cold.....He has been waking up at three am...miserable....and making me miserable....last night he had a sore throat...or at least it seemed like it...He wouldn't nurse..and kept screaming..poor baby.
I have had a sore throat for a week now, and can't seem to shake it...
Thank goodness I'm not having any raging pregnancy symptoms yet....
I have had a sore throat for a week now, and can't seem to shake it...
Thank goodness I'm not having any raging pregnancy symptoms yet....
He is actually smacking Elmos rear end as he rides....
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
This week's topic is Tails - Seven things about a category of your choice.
I decided that in the spirit of my husbands post...I would share my 7 favorite all time favorite cartoons...
1) The Bugs Bunny-Road Runner Hour

2) The Flintstones

3) Batman and Robin (The old one)

4) Spiderman

5) Scooby Doo

6) Tom and Jerry

7) The Jetsons...

Like my hubby...I am really happy to see the old cartoons back...They Rock!
Guess what we did a lot of Sat. Morn....
For more Heads or Tails...Click Here...
I decided that in the spirit of my husbands post...I would share my 7 favorite all time favorite cartoons...
1) The Bugs Bunny-Road Runner Hour

2) The Flintstones

3) Batman and Robin (The old one)

4) Spiderman

5) Scooby Doo

6) Tom and Jerry

7) The Jetsons...

Like my hubby...I am really happy to see the old cartoons back...They Rock!
Guess what we did a lot of Sat. Morn....
For more Heads or Tails...Click Here...
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Saturday Mornings are back!

Thank you Sasktel and Teletoon for the brand new channel; Teletoon Retro! All cartoons, no new ones. We've been watching it all weekend and loving it. Sure there is some lameness; like Racoons and Rocket Robin Hood. Fortunately is also has Tom & Jerry, Jetsons, Flintstones, Scooby Doo, Rocky & Bullwinkle and best of all Bugs Bunny and Tweety.

Speaking of animation, I found this fun little tool on the 'net. Its called Pivot Stickfigure Animator(click to download). It allows you to create your own stickfigure animations and save them as an animated gif. Here is one I made last night in a few minutes:

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