Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I'm back!



Well sort of......

I am not actually sure how often i will post right now, as I am at the end of my pregnancy and also looking after my grandson at the moment.....I am pretty tired.

Good news though....Baby Jeremy has turned around, and he is about 4 lbs something now, and moving constantly....


if i do go into labor now, since i am only six weeks away from my due date, they will let me go. They gave me steroid shots to be sure that baby's lungs are all ready to go.

I am off work now, on medical leave. I have been off since the 20th, but I still just feel like i am on holidays. I haven't really had time to process anything yet.

I will add some new pictures of my very handsome grandson.

Picture 005

Talon and Mum


Thursday, November 9, 2006

Pictures of....



As you can stomach is now bigger then a pumpkin....How flattering....

As of Wednesday...which is when this picture was taken...I am officially in the third and final trimester....WhoHoo!

It has gone rather well if i may say so myself with the exception of my tailbone...thanks to baby sitting on it breach....and too many Braxton Hicks...

Little Jeremy is kicking me as hard as possible on a regular basis now...for which..believe it or not we are thankful..

and boy does he seem to like chocolate....

Kendal and I went to see our OB for the first time..also on Wednesday....

What a funny guy...His name is Dr. Akimbee...He is a Christian and gos to the App with half of my family, and also knows my in-laws...

The second he found out we were Christians he prayed with us, and talked about God the whole time we were in there...It was sooo cool. He also listened to my concerns, which was a relief since my doctor has mostly just brushed me off and rushed me through the office....I told him that since he was going to believe in faith that Jeremy was going to turn around properly, then i was going to believe in faith that he would be on call when we delivered!

So far the prognosis is that I will be getting a third ultra sound (which makes us very happy because it means we get to see our little guy again) to see whether or not he has turned...This will happen about six weeks before my due date. If he still hasn't turned around, then they will be scheduling me for a c-section (early) so that he doesn't come out breach...(because my last delivery was one hour and i have a history of early deliveries...) They don't want Jer to come out breach when no one is expecting him yet...(LOL)

I am not disappointed to have a C-Section as i feel i have done my "delivery time" especially since Bree was 10 lbs, 13 oz. I am a little disappointed for Kendal though, as I feel he is looking foreward to the birth. We will see what happens i guess...

Otherwise everything is going great!

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

So Tired!

Sorry that I haven't posted much lately, but I have been sooo tired, that typing seems an effort!

However, here i am now....

As most of you know...Kendal and I were going to go with about 50 kids last weekend to YC Sask! Well we did go, and it was an absolute blast!


The bus ride there and back weren't too comfortable for me, as i found out jarring to the extreme on my tailbone,

However, we had fun with the rest....

I even managed to get one of the teen boys to snort his bottle of coke, by tipping it on him when he was trying to get a drink....good times, good times....


If you look carefully you can see all four of us...Kendal and I (off to the left) and Bree and Brandy...(Low center)

Once we got there, we went directly to the Comfort Hotel (which isn't by the way...beds like rocks...) and sorted the kids into rooms with the various leaders. I had four of the younger girls...

After that we headed to fast food restauraunts to eat...i think Kendal and I ate at A&W...but it doesn't really stick in my memory....(LOL!)

Tree 63 led worship...and what an awesome band first of all...All weekend they had the youth really entertained...and they were good....they must have some roots in U2 and Police because you could hear the influence, and i think Sat. night they actually played some of both....although I am pretty sure that the kids would have had no idea who either of those bands are.


(Brandy second from the right in the black t-shirt)

The speaker was a youth worker by the name of Greg Johnson he was the speaker for most of the weekend...and he was pretty funny!

I am not really into loud, but they did have a concert afterwards with Thousand Foot Crutch A lot of the kids wouldn't go in cause it was too loud, but some did and really enjoyed it.

Bree and her friend Amber were just excited cause they got to work in the Tree 63 booth and got free teashirts for Friday night....

Sat. was more of the same, with Tree 63 and Greg Johnson speaking, but in the afternoon, they had some games for the kids

Volleyball, and some inflatable games...They also had sessions with different speakers including some for the leaders. Kendal and I went to one of them and chilled out for the other.

About 4.30 we headed with the kids to one of the local malls, and the kids all went shopping and hung out, and the leaders all went to Smittys for supper.

The evening service started again at 7pm and ended with a concert this time by Tree 63 and then Stereotrap Personally not really one of my favorite bands, so Kendal and I sat in for the Tree 63 Concert but then took about half of the kids back to the hotel for the Stereotrap concert.

We stopped at 7-11 on the way back and all the kids went in to grab something...Well after everyone had come back, one of the boys asked if he could go use the bathroom...of course we said that everyone was on the bus and could he wait till we got to the motel room....Surprise..he didn't bother telling us he was sick to his stomach... so you can guess at what happened next.....

Sunday morning was illusionist Lou Levanthal...He was pretty good, and definatly had the kids going...

We got home from Saskatoon at about 5pm....By 7 the girls and I were asleep...

I am still recovering!!!! I think I only slept about 6 hours the entire weekend...(apparently Sat. night Bree only slept two as her and a friend were hiding under the steps of the motel in the hall giggling all night....)

All I have eaten since is toast and soup.... Here is to hoping that I never see another fast food restauraunt ever again!


Bree- second from the right....


Brandy wrestling with someone....

Saturday, November 4, 2006

Dentist--Or..I Used to have Teeth...Now All I Have are Fillings.

Dentist!--or.....I used to Have Teeth...Now All I Have Are Fillings...

I HATE going to the dentist..

No offense if you are one...In fact some of my best friends have been dentists....BUT

First of all, i am very clausterphobic, so the idea of having someone in my face like that drives me nuts....

and secondly, every time i go ends up being for some super exspensive procedure like a root canal or a crown...

Lucky Me.

So i went yesterday to get a filling done...and guess didn't need a needed a crown, as apparently it is breaking apart in 4 places!


Not only that, but so are all my other molars....

They said that i grind my teeth at night from stress.....Oh have i had some?

So instead of getting any fillings done yesterday, I had a mold made for a mouth guard, which probably isn't covered by insurance.....

That felt good.

My teeth are ultra sensitive...(probably because i need 4 crowns)

and so i jumped through the roof when they put the mold in my mouth, and so they had to do it twice.

You would think they could have made that stuff taste better or something!

I have to wait for the crowns for another month until i find out how much of that my insurance will cover....

Boy...when it pours......

Love Robyn!

Post by Bree

This week has been really fun! Since easter break is coming up we decided to make some eatser hats, mine is a bunny and it is holding easter eggs with springs and flowers hanging out of the easter eggs. It kinda seems liitle kidish to mkae hats in grade 8 but it was really fun. Also in class we watched The Day After Tommrrow it is a really good movie considering I have seen it like a million times!! Well thats school... at youth we had a really fun time at the 30 hour famine we did a whxole bunch of things but I mostly played soccer.I stayed up all night and wasn't really tired... but around 7ish I got super tired *yawn* I fell asleep/for about an hour what a long sleep. In the morinug we went bowling and I lost horibally but it was fun!!When we came home I couldn't stay awake I fell asleep from 5:30 to 8:30 it was good sleep. So thats been my last couple of weeks there were a BLAST!
