Monday, June 30, 2008

Imprisoned in an ice cream shop....I can think of worse things...
Especially today...
It is +33 (or it will be)
and I am trapped in a house with no air conditioning....
and a one year old who doesn't handle the heat much better
then his six month pregnant
Should be a real fun day....

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Street Fair - sword swallowing

These videos were of Richie Roy at the Cathedral Arts Festival.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Wordless Wednesday!

Baby Jones is a.....
We are very excited...Baby Jones will be Autumn Grace....

Here are the latest ultra sound pics of her, but if you have trouble with them don't feel too bad. Even the ultra sound technician was having difficulty...She kept her legs wrapped around her head the whole ultra sound, and only "presented" long enough for us to find out what she was. The tech even tried to get us 3-D pics...but baby pressed herself right up against the placenta, so it was impossible to get decent pics...However, the top one is definately of her hand, and the bottom one you can see her head and arm profile...
As soon as we got home, the arbitrary little princess moved all over the place.....

for more wordless here!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Monday, June 16, 2008

Cathedral pics...

My daughter Krystal...about 5 months pregnant...
(where is it??)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Our new favorite game....empty out the toy box and then sit in it!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Wordless Wednesday!

My son and Grandson...

For more Wordless here...

Heliopsis Loraine Sunshine


Bleeding Heart

I have a black thumb. Not a green thumb. My mom....has a green thumb....I was not fortunate enough to inherit it. Give me an instrument...or a paintbrush...and I will learn to use it.
Give me a plant...I will kill it.

Therefore...with these things in mind..I tried to find some hardy perrenials that I wouldn't have to mess with year after year...and could stand my terrible care....
I know I can make a peony live. I have had one for three years now.
It is still alive...
So I bought another.
Makes sense....
I also bought a bleeding heart..
I love them...and the sunflower like Heliopsis...
We will see about them.
Pray for them.
They will need it....

Plants and cats have the about the same life span in my house
and we have no cats...

For more Heads or Here..

Monday, June 9, 2008

Concerts at Westminster United Church

The Huge organ....

Stained Glass Windows...

The Cathedral Arts Festival offers free concerts all week during festival week. They are offered free of charge, and are performed by high calibur musicians and artists...
There is something for everyone.
Kendal and I would have liked to have attended more then we did, but unfortunately with work and babies...we were only able to go to a concert on Monday night at the Westminster United Church...
We watched a Mandolin orchestra and then the Jazz Bandits..which was a little more my speed. There was also a wonderful singer, and for the life of me...I couldn't remember his name...but what a voice....

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Contact Information

If you would like to contact me,
e-mail me at
I would love to hear from you.

Wordless Wednesday!

At the church picnic...

For more Wordless Wed. Click here...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Blog Roll


Jeremy's first drum circle.

We caught part of the drum circle, but unfortunately by the time Kendal found us, Jeremy lost interest. He was there for a good fifteen minutes having fun first though...

Belly dancing at the park....

Sunday, June 1, 2008

More Spiderman...

Someone who was looking at these pictures on Crackbook....(aka Facebook) asked why Kendal didn't get his face painted like the Green Goblin...
That would have been kind of cool...