Saturday, February 14, 2009

Pult Day!!!-- Heads or Tails...

Hubby actually did this Heads or Tails....Our Pult nights are LEGEND in his family.....if we go to long without one...hubby starts to get cranky....

When my brother, Mark, and his fiance Esther came to visit recently we finally had a pult day. It's been a while.

I mentioned Pult on facebook and someone said, "What's pult?..sounds kinda seaweedy."

My answer:
Not seaweedy, Swede-y. It's a Swedish delicacy made from ground-up potatoes and lots of flour, a little milk, and some kind of magic. Mixed into a doughy substance. Formed into a puck-like shape with a piece of bacon or pork (if you're rich) in the middle, and boiled for an hour. Comes out slimey and gray and weighing 11 pounds each. Add butter and salt, eat 8 of them, then pass out. Next day slice or dice and fry. Add vinegar if you're half-English. Or, if you're half-Finnish, you can add sour cream. Easily the best food on earth.

These aren't ours(I found them on the 'net) They are a little lumpier than ours.

These are ours. Day 2: Fried!

Bree ate most of my supply...

Heads or Tails is a weekly meme done every Tuesday by the wonderful Barb....
Go visit and add one of your own...
and while you are at it...visit her other blog... Skittles Place
Have fun!

Kids are so embarrassing...

ok, so remember a couple of days ago when I wrote about all the embarrassing things my kids have done to me over the years?? precious little Gracie is in on the action...
We went to a Valentines dinner at my church tonight....
and I dressed up little Gracie in her all of her cute Valentine finery...
and we had an awesome dinner put on by the youth of our church....
(Very well done by the way if any of you are reading this)....
and we are onto the cheesecake....
and there is this smell....
My sweet little daughter
is sitting on my lap...

farting like no ones business....
You can't hear her...
You can only SMELL her.
And I do me
SMELL her.

and You always have to know that someone around that table is thinking...
"sure it's the baby..."
just to emphasize the point...I am waving my hand around
and complaining about how you can dress her up, but can't take her out....
just in case...
you know....

and then...

in the quietest mo
ment possible...

She fills her pants....


for one tiny three month baby girl to do...

and the whole table started to laugh....

At least she redeemed me....

Sort of.......

New Hair Cut....

I love my friend Lauren....
She gave me the best hair cut I have ever had...
I love it....Thanks Lauren..
It must be nice ...cause hubby was on the phone...
and when I came home
he told our friend he had to go cause I was sexy again...LOL
(Wow that is some haircut!!!)

It sure is nice to have a good haircut after being fat and prego for nine months....
I am starting to feel human again...