It looks like a nice easy going kids ride. Until you get in and it starts spinning.
The cab part starts spinning and going up and down, and the whole thing was rotating.
I started to feel dizzy and queasy, so I closed my eyes.
That's when I realized Jeremy had gotten REAL quiet.
I looked across at him and he was turning a weird shade of green.
His eyes were going back and forth.
I realized I was about to get puked on.
I grabbed his shoulders, and said, "Close your eyes, right now."
I kept repeating that phrase until the ride was done.
He listened.
Somehow we made it. No vomit. Whew.
Funny thing is later we went on the strawberry ride, which has a very similar motion. You can control the spinning on the strawberry ride. At first I wasn't letting it spin much, but Jeremy seemed bored, so I started spinning it a little. By the end of it we were spinning it as fast as we could. Jeremy was flying all over the place. It was a blast! And no nausea...