Just when I think that my ears are clearing up, I end up with more problems....This has been going on for over a month now....I was sick for ten days, and couldn't get off the couch, and then it started getting better....but my ears have never quit being plugged. At least most of the dizziness was gone though, then yesterday, I was at my friend Brenda's house, and all of a sudden for no reason at all, I got a migraine, and then I got really dizzy, and my right eye started having bizarre focusing problems...I barely made it home, and had to go to sleep for three hours....When I got up, it seems to be better, but my left ear is still ringing and full. My doctor is on holidays until the 12th of August, but when she comes back I will have to go and find out what is going on....I hope it doesn't last till then though...This started ten years ago in Williams Lake, but over the years has become progressivly better. This is my first attack in a year, but definately the worst one I have had in a really long time. The doctors never seem to know what to do with it....
Well, it looks like all your prayers worked....we will probably be getting the house on the north end that we have been after....It is closer to Kendal's job, my church, and most of the other stuff we need including the schools the girls want to go to. Brandy wants to go to Thom for her last year, and Bree wants to go to Winston Knoll. I don't find out for sure till the end of August, but it is looking good. It means that September will be a rough month though, with the girls going to two different schools, and us trying to move while Kendal works two jobs, and I look after Jeremy.
Today I am looking after Jeremy and Mercy Buckets...right now they are watching Sesame street together....It is very cute....