Saturday, May 8, 2010

Parking Fail... why have I included these videos you might ask????
Well first of all....they were just freakin funny..]
BUT I was at Walmart a couple of days ago...and I saw my own Parking Fail...
and my hubby and I had just been watching some of these videos
the night before, and laughing our ***** off...
and then I go to Walmart....
Well..You get it..

I was walking out of Walmart,
and I see this...
A really big ass handicap van trying to park in a spot, that really she should have been able to fit in...
But instead, she hits it at a really bad angle.
I was walking towards it, so I can see she is about to nail this car...
So did a man on the other side, who
started yelling at her to stop, but apparently she didn't hear him either...
because she just kept going...
Apparently...she also didn't feel the force of the impact either...because she'
hit the car, and just kept pushing it!! Unbelievable... This picture really doesn't do justice to the damage on the
left bumper, because I took it from a distance through a dirty window, and with a cell phone...
but the whole end was caved in...  After she parked and realized she had hit the car...she actually tried to park again! And repeated the whole hit the car thing!

WOW! Where is a video camera when you need one...LOL!
I also took pictures of her liscence plate and this car..and stuck around in case she tried to skip
but to her credit, she did leave a note and her phone number on the cars window..
although I guess it is kind of hard to skip, with nosy cell phone woman staring at you...LOL!
Anyway...there it is. My epic Fail Parking Story...

What is the worst parking job you have ever witnessed?