Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Talon and Jeremy's Big weekend Cont.....

Scott's first meeting with Jeremy!

So Friday, Kendal was supposed to get off work...but as usual...we got a call...someone called in sick, and he had to go in. Family plans down the toilet again...
However, at least it was only for about 3 hours, and afterwards Kendal and I went to Roca Jack's for a coffee....that was nice....
Later on after we had dropped the kids off at youth, we all met to go to the Passion play at the Regina Apastolic Church. You can check it out at the below link....
We have seen it before..many many times actually..the pastor who is in charge, used to be the pastor at the Kamloops Full Gospel church. His name is Rick Parkins....He has been here for a few years now, and so they have started to do it here. It was very well done, although they didn't have all the special affects that they had in Kamloops yet...It was coolthough, because we did know some people acting in the play. Dan Ritz did a great job of being a centaurian and my friend Scott did a great job..(and rather creepy too) of being Judas.....

Jeremy meets Judas....

They still had lightening and live animals though...(one of them did a number in the church....) We had both babies with us, and while Jeremy was quiet...Talon just doesn't yet appreciate the finer arts of drama...(LOL!) so LA ended up in the nursery for most of the production.

After the play, we headed over to Denny's for supper with a bunch of the family...LA, Mark and Esther, Les and Iris, Anna and Gerald, and I think there were more...but my memory is like a sieve these days...(still pregnancy hormones..that's my excuse and I'm stickin to it...)


Jeremy and Talon's Big Weekend...and baby dedication....

Jeremy and Talon were OFFICIALLY introduced to the entire Wikman clan this weekend....(at least that's what it felt like....LOL!) Talon dealt with it quite well...being the outgoing kind of guy he is.....Jeremy however, was a little freaked out....I don't blame him. Coming from a kind of small family...being at a Wikman family gathering can be.....well......completely OVERWHELMING folks....Don't get me wrong...I think it is great-especially for my kids. I think that society has lost most of it's dependence on family, and I think that is wrong...but still it is is what your going to get......a whole LOT of pictures of the babies with every Wikman in creation...but it will be great..because they are babies...and babies are always cute...right?
ok...First of all...LA (Kendal's sister with Talon pictured below...) came with Mark (Kendal's brother will know him cause he is the really hairy guy....) and Esther (Marky's girl....) on Thursday night. (Observation...all of the Jones girls have red hair..CREEPY...although gossip has it LA's hair may be going brown...) Of course, no one could wait till Friday to see Jeremy so Thursday night after work, we went over to Kendal's parents so that Kendal's siblings could meet the new prince.....
This used to be LA's necklace, but now it is a chew toy for Talon. Actually, everything that fits into his mouth is a chew toy...his foot, his fist, your fist.....your face...(not kidding....)

Marky's first meeting with little Jones...Mark is trying to see a resemblance between the boy and Kendal...Jeremy is wondering why Marky is wearing a head peice on his chin....

Jeremy is still wondering....

Decision made. Yes, Jeremy looks like Kendal...
Jeremy is still trying to decide about Mark...