Thursday, November 9, 2006

Pictures of....



As you can stomach is now bigger then a pumpkin....How flattering....

As of Wednesday...which is when this picture was taken...I am officially in the third and final trimester....WhoHoo!

It has gone rather well if i may say so myself with the exception of my tailbone...thanks to baby sitting on it breach....and too many Braxton Hicks...

Little Jeremy is kicking me as hard as possible on a regular basis now...for which..believe it or not we are thankful..

and boy does he seem to like chocolate....

Kendal and I went to see our OB for the first time..also on Wednesday....

What a funny guy...His name is Dr. Akimbee...He is a Christian and gos to the App with half of my family, and also knows my in-laws...

The second he found out we were Christians he prayed with us, and talked about God the whole time we were in there...It was sooo cool. He also listened to my concerns, which was a relief since my doctor has mostly just brushed me off and rushed me through the office....I told him that since he was going to believe in faith that Jeremy was going to turn around properly, then i was going to believe in faith that he would be on call when we delivered!

So far the prognosis is that I will be getting a third ultra sound (which makes us very happy because it means we get to see our little guy again) to see whether or not he has turned...This will happen about six weeks before my due date. If he still hasn't turned around, then they will be scheduling me for a c-section (early) so that he doesn't come out breach...(because my last delivery was one hour and i have a history of early deliveries...) They don't want Jer to come out breach when no one is expecting him yet...(LOL)

I am not disappointed to have a C-Section as i feel i have done my "delivery time" especially since Bree was 10 lbs, 13 oz. I am a little disappointed for Kendal though, as I feel he is looking foreward to the birth. We will see what happens i guess...

Otherwise everything is going great!