How many times per day do you usually laugh?
3-4 times a day.....I have children....they are almost always funny!Soup
What are your sunglasses like?
Ugly and red...these are similar...Salad
You win a free trip to anywhere on your continent, but you have to travel by train.
Easy! The East Coast of Canada...I have never been there, and I would really like to go. It is supposed to be beautiful....Main Course
Name one thing you consider a great quality about living in your town/city.
We have tons of free community events...This is just one called the community arts is a week long event, with tons of free entertainment all week, and ends with a street party on the is great!Dessert
If the sky could be another color, what color do you think would look best?
Sunset Red! I love the sky in the evening when the sun is going down...I could live with that!
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