Friday, January 25, 2008


Check out the teeth.
If you want to know what this about?
Read bottom post.

My son....THE SHARK

Dear Son....
If you want to live a long time in this house...
Without developing a permanent home in your crib...
or hearing me scream your name in anger...
Please....Please quit biting me.
Your little teeth are sharp...
and it hurts when they pierce my skin....
(or Mathew's, or daddy's)
It is most unpleasant to be sitting there in a quiet stupor
and all of a sudden -be jarred back to the present
impaled in my toe.
Of KNOW...that I don't like it...
I am pretty sure that my screams of pain
tell you that....
Why you LAUGH when I cry is beyond me...
and the sharp piercing screams...
that accompany the six little teeth
tearing into my skin
as you yell NO
are not popular with me either.....
You tricked me when you pretended
to be a quiet and a gentle baby
You had me fooled good.
Good practice I guess
for later when you are a teen...
and just a reminder...
mommy is not a chew toy...
So when I am nursing....
or you may be weaned
sooner then you expect kid....

Love Mom.

Friday Feast! Second Edition

How many times per day do you usually laugh?

3-4 times a day.....I have children....they are almost always funny!

What are your sunglasses like?

Ugly and red...these are similar...

You win a free trip to anywhere on your continent, but you have to travel by train.

Easy! The East Coast of Canada...I have never been there, and I would really like to go. It is supposed to be beautiful....

Main Course
Name one thing you consider a great quality about living in your town/city.

We have tons of free community events...This is just one called the community arts is a week long event, with tons of free entertainment all week, and ends with a street party on the is great!

If the sky could be another color, what color do you think would look best?

Sunset Red! I love the sky in the evening when the sun is going down...I could live with that!

For more Fridays Feast click HERE!