Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Wordless Wednesday...

For more Wordless Wednesday...click here....

Heads or Tails!

The wonderful Barb over at Heads or Tails Tuesday chose this weeks theme choices to be.

I am going to take the easy way out this week...and say

my little girl growing right before our eyes!!!

I can't believe her. She is the total polar opposite of my son.
He is shy...she is outgoing.
He is small....she is tall
He hit his physical milestones slowly...
She is racing towards hers...(and I do mean racing...she is already trying to drink out of a cup and she is only 5 months old...little monkey...Doesn't she know she is my last baby?)
He is moody..she is always bright and smiley!

They are alike in some ways...they both seem to love books....and being outside, and tv and computers....

They absolutly adore each other...
all you have to do is look at pictures of them to see it.
They have been so much fun..I wish their baby hood wasn't racing past so fast....

By the way...she is five months old now...

For more Heads or Tails...click here