Easter Weekend Bonfire!
Easter Weekend was pretty quiet for us.....except for the fire................
No....It wasn't our house...
but it could have been!
Our curtains are down right now, becuase I am washing them....
and so this is what Kendal saw when he woke up....
A wall of fire.
How is that for scary....
Then he went to wake me up, and I wasn't in bed, having fallen asleep in front of the TV! When he finally found me he yelled at me to call 911 because the neighbors house was on fire...I'm half asleep...so I say..."The Police?"
Then I take off my glasses so that I really can't read or see anything... That makes sense....
Once I finally called 911, I went and woke up the kids and got them to cage the animals in case we had to leave. Fortunatly it never came to that. and then I went and stood outside in the pouring rain and watched my neighbors shed, and fence burn down. It wasn't actually my direct neighbor, but the person right next door to them.
The fire almost reached the house, and it did blow up the cable box in the backyard, and it did jump the fence into the neighbors yard and burn down their fence, and it did burn down a tree....Wow!
Finally, soaken wet about an hour later, we all marched back into the house to dry off, having deceded that the fire was down low enough that we could safely go back to bed..... But.....No.
We had just crawled in, when there was a knock at the door, and a fireman who wanted to check our fuse box in basement. Turns out that when the electric box blew up in our neighbors back yard, there was a power surge which went through my neighbors house, our house, and into my neighbor on the other side, and set his basement on fire! Now we had fire on both sides of us!
(as a side note, I might mention, the fire in his basement ended up costing thirty thousand dollars.....)
We never did get to sleep for the rest of the night. We had strangers wandering around in our back yard checking our cable box, and yelling at one another, and shining flashlights in our windows. They didn't finish working in our yard until 6am!
(as another note of interest, God really protected our house, as we found out later that our other neighbor also had some sparking and had to have cable cords replaced. We were the only ones in a line of 4 houses to not be touched by the fire.....Coincidence.....I think not! )
Apparently, no one is wanting to take blame for the fire....It turns out it was electrical, and it is either the fault of the power company or the cable company, but they are both just blaming each other...
There is also question as to whether it was vandalism, becuase it turns out that the house was taken back by the bank and no one lives in it.
Well, you can't say that we live in a boring neighborhood!
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