As the New Year approaches AGAIN..(for some reason that keeps happening..faster every year)..It is time to reflect on the blessings and difficulties which have occured over the last year....
I like to do this once a year at least to be reminded of all the blessings God has given us, but also to just reflect on the changes in our lives...and this year was pretty full...LOL!
As January approached in 2007, I found myself looking at a whole new chapter of my life...
Previously Kendal and I had decided to not have any children ourselves since I had three
girls, but with the loss of close friend
Jeremy Nelson among others the year before...we felt that maybe it was important for us to have children from our marriage, and so Jan. 10th 2007
Jeremy joined us 5 weeks early. This meant that I went to being a SAHM after working outside of the home for many years...a much bigger change then you would imagine.
Especially as anyone who knows us would testify...we had told EVERYone...that we were done with having babies...and that there were definately NO babies in our future....God must have changed our hearts...
I also had problems with the pregnancy...he almost joined us at 28 weeks...but God is good.
Never would I have guessed in a million years how much the addition of that little man to my family, would add so much joy....I can't even imagine life without him now..The night my water broke isn't something I am likely to forget about any time soon...We went to our friends Jason and Brenda for dinner...and didn't get home till about 11...I like to tease her that her Tandori chicken was responsible for what happened next...
Talon was awake, and so Kendal was getting him ready for a bath before bed when my water broke..
Quite calmly I told should bath Talon water has broken....(and then it was all pandamonia as the poor boy barely touched the water, and both my girls were running right left and center following my orders...i just literally walked in circles....
I insisted on driving my self to the hospital...."what is up with that" Control issues or what??LOL kendal agreed on the terms that if I started to get any contractions I would pull over....Harold and Judy came to the hospital after a while and picked up Talon...and we thought we were going to have a baby...but as luck would have it...ALL that happened was my water broke, and it was Wednesday before they could induce me..I had to stay there...nothing like sleeping in a puddle of water every two hours...
Labor was relatively easy, as far as labors go...except that at one point I thought God was talking to me...LOL! (but that is a whole other story...) He weighed in at a whole 6 lbs even at birth. Much of that first month was spent in the hospital, as he had severe jaundice, and had to be under the heat lamp and monitered for his
weight...(he lost over 10% of his body weight at birth, and was refusing to nurse. ) He is now a healthy little monkey..who is about the size of a 6 month old but has a much larger personality!
To add to the business of this month, we also had my grandson,
Talon living with us...He had moved in with us in November, and was three months old when Jeremy was born...Let me tell you folks...There is no greater challenge then trying to care for a two month old when you are ready to pop...WOW. I won't be doing that again any time soon...LOL!
However we love Talon like he is our own, and really did enjoy the time we had with him....Even today, now that Talon has gone home with his mom...there is still a connection that is special and the boys love to see each other...
Talon and Jeremy
Somehow, we made it through the first month sucesfully, with the help of people who visited us in the hospital, and people who took care of Talon....Kendal was also able to take a couple of weeks off of work, and that was really nice as well....It was one of the most positive experiences of my life...and then somehow...we did make it too Feb....