Thursday, December 6, 2007

Monkey See....Monkey Do....

Having a little one around is a reminder that EVERYTHING we do is always being watched by someone every day.... all the time.....

Lately Gizmo has been driving me crazy....ever since we moved..he barks at everything..a car..people coming in the house..even if he knows them...the t.v.-you name it- he is barking at it. The result is that I have been saying "Shut-up Gizmo" ALOT....

that is...until last night, when we were all sitting around the supper table..and all of a sudden Jeremy-who is 10 months old...said very clearly "Shut-up Gizmo"...There was a space of about 3 seconds for us to wonder if we really heard what we thought we heard..when he said it again...and looked directly at him....(It sounded more like Shub-ub Gibo...)

While it is funny now probably won't be funny in a couple of years....LOL!


Mom Knows Everything said...

Isn't it amazing how kids pick up on what we say so quickly. My son,2 years old, tells our dog "Shut up dog" all the time. Hmmm, I wonder where he got that from. LOL!

Sandi said...

I have no pets to tell to shut up, but I've been telling my kids to stop talking about the wii I can't buy them because all the stores around here are sold out. I wish I could say shut up I've heard enough. LOL! It will be a miracle if I actually find one before Christmas.