Monday, February 11, 2008

I won an Award!

Thanks from Jaye who is anything but Just a Mom.....
She sent me this award today...

Art Prize and Award
"This prize has arisen from the daily visits that I dedicate to many blogs which nourish me and enrich me with creativity. In them I see dedication, creativity, care, comradeship, but mainly, ART, much art. I want to share this prize with all those bloggers that entertain me day to day and to share this prize with those who enrich me every day. Doubtlessly, there are many and it will be hard to pick just a few, the people I will name today deserve this prize, as do the very long serious list of bloggers I also enjoy to read, but I will name the first 10 and will leave the rest of the work to all the bloggers that visit other's blogs and are nourished by them."
The rules of passing on this award are as follows:

- post award in your own blog: [Post who gave it to you]
- indicate its origin and a link to the sight: [Arte Y Pico from Uruguay]
- give it to 5 blogs that you enjoy. [That are creative and inspire you]

I love it and will pass it proudly,

I will pass it on to.....

1~Sarcastic Mom
I find her posts HIGHLY amusing and have to go there almost every day for my crack...I mean shot of humor. Seriously. Visit her. It is worth it. And as a bonus she likes to help the enviroment!
I am sold.

2~ Mom Knows Everything
She already won this award, but she deserves to win it twice...I started blog surfing mostly because of her...I got drawn in and forced to go back to her crack blog....(what is it with me and crack lately)...Oh wait this is a family blog....shame me. oh I digress...must be the crack.
Go to her blog is worth it.

3~ Vixens Den
Another blog which amuses the nether regions of my clouded mind....(that just sounds rude)
I keep going back there too...I find her topics interesting and amusing....
Go visit her too!

4~Mom and Dad Chat
This is my "adult" blog. Makes you think. She always has interesting topics, and makes me think...Oh I said that already....
She is an excellent writer...I usually have to put in my two cents worth.
I like her.
(point made?)

5~ Skittles Place
I really like to go to Skittles Place as well...
She puts up this really cool meme...on Tuesdays....called Heads or Tails, which is the other reason I have been able to meet so many of you in internet land...
and she has "been there"......and can relate to problems most of us go through, but aren't brave enough to talk about...but she does.
Go visit her too.

And pass on the award folks to those deserving bloggers whom you feel have earned it....


Barb said...


I'll post it tomorrow! Thanks again :)

Anonymous said...

Aww,thanks! I like to read you too.

Lotus (Sarcastic Mom) said...

Aw, thank you so much! I'll display it on my "shinies" page, proudly! :-D

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the award. And yes, I want it!! Much appreciated.