Friday, February 22, 2008

And then....a voice stirs
As gently as a whisper...
As softly as a breath...
"You are beautiful"
"I have known you Always...."
It strikes me like lightening
It is like a thunderbolt
To my senses: my heart.
Lord of the Heavens,
Creator of the universe
Loves ME unreservedly
I am His.
Surround me now...
Like the glory of Heaven
As beautiful as angels wings
As delicate as gently falling snow.
He thinks I am lovely.
Flows from me like light
Like insence, drifting upward
And I praise him with all that I am.
Healing waters from my soul...
He catches them in the palm of his hand
Because I am precious to Him.
Robyn Jones / April 2006


Anonymous said...

So beautiful and moving. Exactly what I needed this morning. Thank God, he works in mysterious ways.

tammi said...

Hey, hey, hey, I FINALLY found you!!!! I left you a note right after one of the comments you left on my blog, but now I've figured out which blog on your profile page is a current one!

Thanks so much for stopping by!! This is a very beautiful poem. You did a good job of putting the sudden realization that we matter to God into words.

Misty DawnS said...

I'm speechless. This is absolutely beautiful.

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

That is breath-taking Robyn - so beautiful &hearts
thank you
My Little Drummer boys
Hta is

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed! A beautiful piece...

Charlotte (Life's a Charm!) said...

very nice!

kay said...

goosebumps. i love to worship like that!

thanks for sharing!

Mom Knows Everything said...

That's beautiful! I tagged you for a meme if you want to do it. :o)