Thursday, December 18, 2008

I just found this on You Tube....

OMG!!!! I just about died laughing....
This is my daughter Brandy and her friend Janna......
This is what they do in their spare time......


Louise said...

Well done :)

Anonymous said...

wow am speechless....thank god i never did things like that

Robyn Jones said...

yeah right....

Robyn Jones said...

like you never did stuff like that...I just never caught you on film anywhere...
I seem to remember something about trying to get your sisters to fly with Overwaitea bags off of a steep ledge, oh...yeah....and some fashion show where you were quoting Shakespeare...OH! WAIT! I do have video of that....hehehehe......

Anonymous said...

Oh Robyn....Brandy will regret that on her wedding day LOL!!!!

Robyn Jones said...

You bet she will....that and many....many other things.....LOL!