Tuesday, January 27, 2009

You might as well train them early....


Anonymous said...

You got lots of snow... we just got a tease... and not even the good stuff. I love the little shovel. We need to get one of those. :-)

Happy WW!

I love snow days.


Tina said...

bless him thats so sweet

p.s if you want your video to fit inside your template better, just go into your blogger account, edit post, edit html. look for where it says width and change to 400 instead, or less if you like. hope that helps! :)

Robyn Jones said...

Yeah, I know..thanks...but I am just lazy....LOL!

Barb said...

Hey Jeremy.. since you like snow? Want to come walk my dog? :)

RevHal said...

good work Jeremy!! Kendal you did ok too!

Robyn Jones said...

LOL! Hey Barb...the dog would probably walk Jeremy!!

Aly @ Lip Zip said...

Wow! We don't have snow here but when he's ready to learn how to mow lawns, send him my way!