Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Odds...but Mostly Ends...

I can't believe that Gracie is already almost 4 months old. Part of me is so sad, it seems she was just born the other day, and already my youngest is growing up...
She smiles and laughs almost constantly, sleeps for 9 hours at night, and has learned to roll over. We are having nursing issues this time, and no matter what I do, I seem to be fighting a losing battle... Since she was about three weeks old, she has had bottles at church for both eve and morning service..and somewhere along the way...she decided that she was going to have two bottles a day....
no matter what....!!!????

So she nurses most of the time, but has those two bottles a day...I have even tried to nurse her right before the bottles...(which by the way..she screams for at exactly 11am, and 7pm....) and she still wants them...even if she nursed first like she did tonight....still drank the whole bottle.

I was- and still am concerned I just don't have enough milk for her as it has been an issue for several of my children...and I have tried everything including the drug they say increases the milk....with no change in behavior on her part....

I am now going to try I have heard of many woman taking this herb with good results....

I guess we will see what happens...I really would rather nurse her as she is my last...
Maybe she just knows what she wants?

Just a thought that crossed my mind...
(I do have those once in a while...)

It seems that from the moment we are born we choose what isn't good for us despite the fact that something else would be better and safer...
from Gracie who would be better off nursing, to my 16 year old, who wants to quit school and go to hair dressing school,
to me choosing to smoke...knowing I was allergic even...
(I don't smoke now by the way..)

We choose to do that which isn't the best

No wonder God calls us sheep...LOL!
I am glad that in His mercy He looks after us....and loves us anyways...

Off my soap box...

Here are some pictures of Gracie spending some tummy time on the floor...
(which by the way...she hates..)


Kristina said...

What a sweetheart!!!

Nursing was really important for me too and was one of the things I got depressed about when having milk issues. I finally got it to work but not without lots of pumping, tears, and feelings of failure. Your milk will come in on a supply and demand basis. If you think you don't have enough try to pump at least once a day. Your body may be used to the fact that your daughter gets two bottles a day and think that not as much milk is needed. If you can get the production up, hopefully it won't be an issue anymore.

JUST A MOM said...

They get so big so fast these days... remember way back when it seemed as though they would NEVER grow up.. enjoy it while you can.

Mom Knows Everything said...

She's beautiful! I couldn't nurse Aurora, not enough milk so I didn't bother trying with Aidan because I had such a hard time with Aurora.

Tina said...

Gracie doesn't look very exited about her tummy time, but she is super cute!

Well, about your nursing problem I have no idea (I never had a chance to ;-) but I like your conclusion! I did some things in my life as well I knew were BAD, but I still did it for awhile. Sheesh!
And I, too, praise God that He doesn't leave us at that point but helps us to change.

Colette S said...

I think you'd have more milk if she nurses more often...the milk comes according to demand....why I think you've heard that before anyway :)

And I have also heard about the fenugreek. I hope it helps.

I remember when my kids were 6months exactly I started to run low on milk and well I panicked because I loved nursing...but I prayed and continued and after awhile it did come back up according to their demand for it.

I hope you get to continue a long time with it.