Friday, February 8, 2008


This is baby crack. If my son knows I have it, he will search.
He is addicted.
I don't feel too bad about it though since it is just dried fruit.
It is better then some other things...


Mom Knows Everything said...

I've never given these to my toddler. He'd probably love them though because he is addicted to bananas. LOL!

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

Thanks for visiting me - I wish we had baby crack in Oz.LOL

I love the music - 'I can only imagine' I hear that a lot - It's beautiful.

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

I noticed all the dates have gone off your posts - it is mean to be ?

Anonymous said...

Oh, my toddler is not addicted to anything in particular. He just likes having a little bit of everything, meaning open a packet of food and consume only a small portion and then, ask for another different packet!!

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha. I remember these from Ladybug. The day I brought the first bag home it was pure addiction. I think I had to go get a new one the very next day. It is very much baby crack.

PS I added you to my blogroll, ok?

Misty DawnS said...

"baby crack" hehehehe, that's cute.